国王与王后陛下, 诸位阁下, 女士们先生们, Your Majesties, Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, 天高气爽, 秋色宜人 charming autumn scenery in its most fresh air and clear weather. 自然风光旖旎秀美 picturisque scenery 历史文化博大精深 profound history and extensive culture 现代化建设突飞猛进 modern construction is surging ahead 城乡面貌日新月异 cities and country enjoy daily changes 古代中国的风采神韵 the glory of the acient China 现代中国的蓬勃英姿 the thriving presence of the modern China 交相辉映 add the rediance and charm to each other 全面建设小康社会 the construction of all-around better-off society 游历名山大川, 承天地之灵气, 接山水之精华 find pleasure in enriching themselves spiritually and physically through traveling over famouse moutains and rivers ...跃居世界前列 rank among the top ... / be ranked top in ... 出境旅游者 outbound tourists 外汇收入 the foreign currency receipts 把...培育成为重要产业 bring up ... as an important industry 中国文化遗产 the Chinese cultural relics 世界自然遗产 the world natural heritages 时代生机 modern vitality 得天独厚 unique and rich 在...带动下/推动下 thanks to... / driven by... 与时俱进 develop along with the progress of the times 酒会 cocktail party 为展览会揭幕 inaugurate an exhibition 奠基典礼 foundation laying ceremony 晚宴 evening reception/dinner 冷餐招待会 buffet reception 联欢会 get-together party 宣布...开幕 declare ... open / declare the commencement of ... 宣布... 闭幕 declare the closing of / conclusion of ... 贵宾们 distinguished guests 尊敬的主席先生 honorable Mr. President / Chairman 至此...之际 on the occasion of ... 代表 on behalf of ... 表示热烈欢迎 extend one's sincere / warm / cordial welcome 商务理事会 business dialogue 盼望 look forward to ... 广泛而深入地交换意见 actively and lively exchange of views 召开...大会 launch the meeting / conference 中国国际贸易促进会 the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) 衷心感谢 heartest/warmest/heartfelt/cordial thanks 部长级会议 ministrial conference 在新的形势下 under the new circumstances 携手前进 join hands 将...提高到新的水平 bring ... to a new high 祝贺...圆满成功 wish ... a complete success 中华人民共和国香港特别行政区 HK Special Administritive Region of the PRC 风雨送春归,飞雪迎春到 accompanied by the auspecious snow, a new spring is coming. 事业蒸蒸日上 a flourishing business 暴力升级 violence escalates 核扩散 nuclear proliferation 人士 personages 璀璨明珠 a shining pearl 行使主权 exercise sovereignty 各界人士 people of various circles / from all walks 在...上笼罩了不祥的阴影 cast an ominous shadow over... 蓄意 deliberate / purposeful attempt 管理委员会 governing council ...前提约束, 在...前提下 subject to ... 重申...的重要性 reaffirm the importance of ... 采取更有效的措施 take more effective measures 稳健可行的政策 sound and viable policy 齐心协力 pulling all together 集体的, 协调一致的, 可行的 collective, coherent / agreeable, and workable / practical / viable 紧迫危机 pressing crisis 国际社会 international community 在...达成共识 share a vision on ... / reach a consensus 千年峰会 the Millennium Summit 千年宣言 the Millennium Declaration 全球团结 global solidarity/union 恶化 degradation/deterioration 传染疾病的蔓延 the spread of infectious diseases 全心投入... fully engage in ... 消除贫困 poerty eradication/allemination 千年发展目标 the Millennium Development Goal 良政 good governence 合法性 legitimacy 联合国宪章 the UN Charter 站不住脚 not tenable 秘密组织 clendestine group / organization 先发制人 attack preemptively / initiate a preemptive attack 保留权力 reserve the right 谴责 denounce 单边主义 unilaterilism 严厉正视... face up squarely to... 表示担心 address concerns 国务院新闻办公室 the information office of the state council 歪曲和指责... distort and censure ... 全世界范围内的 all over the world / across the world 司法侵权 infringement of law enforcement dept. 在一次研讨会上 at a workshop/discussion meeting 枪支泛滥 wide-spread of gun-abuse/firearm-abuse 涉枪犯罪 gun-related crimes / offenses 美国健康统计中心 the US National Center for Health Statistics 黑社会势力 evil social forces / underworld organizations 猖獗 unrestrained/unchecked 毒品蔓延 wide-spread of drug-abuse 秧及人民生命和安全 endanger the people's life and safty 一件影响深远的大事 a far-reaching significant event 在... 交换了看法 exchange views on issues concerning ... 各界人士 personages from different walks of life 刊登讲话 to present addresses 新篇章 new charpter 感慨万分 all sorts of emotions surges within one 严重对立 stand deadly / firmly opposed to each other 最关注的话题 the subject/topic of the greatest interest/concern 和平相处 peaceful co-existence 相互敌对 mutual hostility 合作基础 bedrock/foundation of cooperation 资金 capital 管理经验 managerial expertise/experience 反过来 in return 丰富的人力资源 aboundent human resources 广阔的商机 enormous business opportunities 价廉物美的消费品 inexpensive and quality consumer goods 贸易伙伴 trade partners 得益于... be attributable to / be owing to / to be benefitted from... 改革开放 reform and opening-up 翻天地覆的变化 foundamental/dramatic changes 社会主义市场经济 socialist market economy 在过去的...年里 within/over/in/during the past...years 国内生产总值 gross domestic products (GDP) 平均年增长率 average annual growth rate 小康生活 the well-off/better-off life 总体上 on the whole / in general / by and large / as a whole 中国加入WTO the China's WTO accession 全方位开放 all-around opening-up 新标志 new landmark/milestone 提供动力 provide momentum/drive-force ...的兴起 the surge of ... 航空业 aviation industry 带动 promote/pull forward 可观的实惠 considerable benefits 高层会谈 high-level talks/dialogue 举行会谈 hold a meeting/conference 有利于... be conducive to... / in favor of ...benefitial to... 亚太地区 Asian-percific region 维持稳定 maintain/safeguard/keep stability 建立机制 establish/set up a mechanism 只要 so long as / provided 以人民的根本利益为重 attach the importance to the people's fundamental interests 基于... on the basis of / based on 世界意义 world/global significance 和平共处的五项基本原则 the Five Principles of peaceful co-existence 时代潮流 the preveiling trend of the times 重大与深刻的变化 important and profound changes 经济全球化 economic globalization 互补性 mutual complementarity 经济比较优势原则 the principle of ecnomic comparative advantages. 工业布局 the industry distribution 投资走向 the flow of capital investment 人才流动 human resource mobility 资金流动 capital mobility 资源短缺 resource depletion/shortage 贫富悬殊 polarization between the rich and poor 毒品泛滥 wide-spread of narcotics/drug-abuse 越来越突出 increasingly serious 严峻威胁 grave threat 持续发展 sustainable development 国际间商摧与合作 international consultation and cooperation 世纪之交 at the turn of the century 此起彼伏 keep cropping up 更加突出 more prominent 深深地影响了... exert a pround impact/influence on... 不安全的因素 insecure factors 迅猛发展 repid growth 跨国的 globalized 文化隔阂与歧视 cultural estrengement and discrimination ... 的普及 the wide access to ... 以前所未有的速度 at an unprecedent pace 消除道德危机 defuse moral crisis 肩上担负着... with ... on shoulders 保持冷静的理智 keep cool and sensible 求同存异 seek the common ground while shelving differences 从长计议 put/set aside and considet later 对手 adversary/opponent/rivalry 提议 propose/propound/present 战略对话 stratigic dialogue/consultation 在...加强合作 intensity/enhance/strengthen cooperation on... 拓展民间交流 expand people-to-people exchange 今后若干年 for many years to come 国情 national condition 人均生产总值 gross national products (GNP) 艰苦努力 with arduous endeavor/effort 寻求称霸和扩散 seek hegemony and expansion 最高国家利益 paramount national interests 海峡两岸 across the strait 仅仅在... in ... along 从事经商以及其它活动 engage business and other activities 航班 chartered planes/flights 热切地盼望... aspire... / warmly look forward to... 打着民主的旗号 under the signboard/ in the disguise of democracy 中美三个联合公报 three China-US joint communiques 广度和深度 magnitude and depth 在...来临之际 with the approach of ... / on the occation of upcoming ... 中美建交...周年 the ...th annuversary of China-US diplomatic ties 受...的邀请 at the invitation of ... 美国银行协会 American Banks Association 盛情款待 gracious hospitality/treatmet 在...作出积极的贡献 make an active contribution to... 竭尽全力投身于... dedicate to .... 诚挚的问候与良好的祝愿 cordial greetings and the best wishes 在最近的几周/年里 in recent weeks/years 缩小分歧,扩大合作 narrow differences and expand/widen cooperation/common interests 几十倍 dozens of times 付出代价 at the cost/price/expense of 实际投资额 the paid-in value of investment 达到...美元 reach the level of $... 500强企业 top 500 companies 中国商品 the Chinese merchandizes/commodities/goods 中国在美投资企业 the Chinese invested interprises in the US 有目共睹 it's there for all to see 极大的互补性 the high degree of complementarity 来自于... originate/stem from... 持续的 sustainable/on-going 客观基础 objective/material basis 高瞻远瞩的战略眼光 the stratigic perspective of view and foresight 贸易逆差 trade deficit 知识产权 intelligent products right (IP) 逐步得到解决 iron out/solve gradually 妨碍, 阻挡 stand in the way of... 漩涡 whirlpools 滔滔长河 surging rivers 有诚意 in good faith 平等协议 equal consultation 在...期间 during ... 施加限制与制裁 impose restriction and sanction 每次反复/较量 at each turn 协调机制 coordinating mechanism 求大同存小异 seek concensus on major issues while reserving differences on minor things 政治化 politicize 贸易不平衡 trade imbalance 真诚地希望 ardently hope 出口限制 export restriction 陈旧观念 obsolete concepts/perceptions/perspectives 不合时宜 anachronstic practice 注: anachro'nistic: adj. 时代错误的 与时俱进 keep pace with the times / develop along with the progress of the times 前景光明 the prospective is promising 经济复苏 economic rebound/recovery 良好的发展势头 a sound growth momemtum/tendency 在今后相当长的一段时间里 for a considerably long time to come 重要时期, 关键时期 crucial stage 旺盛的国内需求 stronge domestic demand 体制革新与改革 structural renovation and reform 公有制 public sector 充满活力的 vigrous/dynamic 改组,改造 reorgnization/upgrading 进了一大步 make a giant stride 宏观调控 macro regualtion and control 由上述可知 given the above 服务业 service sector 升级 escalate/upgrade 大力推进 press ahead 提高级别 raise the level 香港同胞 HK compatriots 庄严宣告 declare solomnly 施政有方 administer capably and effectively 积极致力于...的解决 vigorously solve issues relating... 民生问题 issues of welfare and well-being 抵御...的冲击 fend off impact of ... 亚洲金融风波 the Asian fiancial turbulence 事实有力地证明了... the facts are a convincing testimony to... 光荣传统 the glorious tradition 履行当家作主的神圣权力和职责 fulfill one's sacred rights and responsibilities as master of the land 积极维护祖国尊严 resolutely uphold the dignity of the motherland 各条战线 on various fronts 公务员 civil servants 恪守职责/恪尽职守 work scrupulously to fulfill one's duties 注:scrupulous adj.小心谨慎的, 细心的 可贵的责任感 commendable sense of responsibility 社会各阶层 of various social strata 注:stratum: n.[地] 地层, [生](组织的)层, 社会阶层 紧密团结在一起 rally closely together / united closely 群策群力 pool the wisdom and efforts of every one 始终如一地支持 unswervingly support 同心同德, 同舟共济 united as one 共同努力 make the joint efforts 放射出光彩 shine bright