90 教书育人 educate and teach students 因材施教 individualized instruction 人才流失 brain-drain situation 民间文化 folk culture 复合型人才 inter-disciplinary talent 走读生 non-resident student 必修课 conpulsary course 选修课 selective course / optional course / elective 文化冲击 cultural shock 都市文化 urban culture 天下为公 The world is for all 弘扬本民族优秀文化 carry forward one's fine cultural heritage/relics 文化多元化 cultural pluralism / multi-culturalism 主导文化 dominant culture "亲仁善邻" Benevolence and good-neighborliness 注: be'nevolence n.仁爱心, 善行 科教兴国 rejuvenate China through science and education 人才强国 develop China by talent 科技教育 science and education 领导小组 steering group / leadership group “教育振兴行动计划” 战略高度 strategic height / level 终身教育体系 life-long education system 拔尖创新人才 top innovative talents 九年义务教育 nine-year compulsory education 公办教育 public education 民办教育 non-state/private education 技能型人才 talents of expertises / skills 全民教育 national educaton 助学贷款 assistance loan for education 绿色通道制度 Green Pass system 义务教育 compulsary educaton 乱收费 casual/unreasonable charge in education 费用摊派 expense apportion 教育方针 education policy 面向现代化, 面向世界, 面向未来 be oriented to modernization, the world and the future. 升学率 proportion of students entering schools 高等教育大众化 popularization of higher-learning 德智体美全面发展 develop morally, intellectually, physically, and aesthetically 注: aes'thetical adj.美学的, 审美的, 有审美感的 人才竞争 competition for qualified human resources 增强综合国力 increase/enhance the overall national strength 优化教育结构 optimize the education structure 优化教师队伍 optimize the teaching staff 远程教育 dictance education 普及九年制义务教育 make the nine-year compulsory education univeral 扫盲 eliminate/eradicate illiteracy 缀学青少年 school drop-out 学分制 credit system 创新精神 creativity/innovation 大学生创业 university students' innovative undertaking 准博士 all but dissertation 博士后科研流动站 Post-doctorate Base 国家重点实验室 National Key Laboratory 国家重点科技攻关项目 national key scientific and technological project 国家重点人文社科研究基地 National Key Research Center for Social Sciences 同等学历 have the same educational level (as the regular graduate or student of certain academic qualification) 特困生 the most needy student 民办学校 the schools run by non-governmental sectors / non-state-run schools 社会力量办学 manage/run a school with societal resources 在职培训 on-job training / on-service training 单/双 轨制 one / two track system 放宽报名考生年龄限制 relax the restriction on the required age of exam candidates 培训班 short-term class / training class 进修班 refresher class 速成班 crach class 勤工俭学 work-study 考勤 check roll / attendence check 转学 school transfer 休学 schooling suspension 开除学籍 expulsion from school 品学兼优 excellent in characters and learning 德才兼备 equal stress on integrity and ability 消除文盲 eradication of illiteracy 实施计划 the implementation of the program 高等学校/院校 high education/learning institutes 加大力度 intensify the efforts 创新工程 innovaeion program 高层次人才 high qualified talents 持续,健康,协调,快速发展 sustainable, healthy, cohesive and rapid development 重大意义 a significant/important role 职业教育 vocational education 紧密结合 close integration 重点放在。。。 the focus will be devoted on... 紧缺人才 urgently needed talents 人事制度 personel systems 坚持 adhere to / stick to 综合治理 comprehensive administration 严格限制 stringently restrict 不正之风 malpractice / misconduct 对。。。重视 attach great importance to... 新的,历史性的跨越 new and historic leap 自强不息 never give up and manage to emerge from each setback